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St Ronan's Primary School, Recarson
Christmas play Friday 13th December at 10am
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More Stem Fun!

29th Jan 2019

Today we were joined by our friends from Gillygooley P.S to investigate the scientific concepts of floating and sinking. Children followed a procedure to construct a small boat from tin foil. They then made predictions as to how many marbles it would hold before the boat would topple, tip over and sink. Children loved how the different styles and sizes of their individual boats affected the number of marbles their boats would hold.

Next, we looked at navigation and constellation patterns formed by the stars and discussed ways in which sailors would have followed a route to other countries using the North Star. We then went on to construct our own sextant using a variety of simple equipment. This linked with all our maths work on angles and measuring. We were very impressed with the children’s skills and abilities to carry out such tasks. Well done!

Another busy but very active morning in our school!