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St Ronan's Primary School, Recarson
Christmas play Friday 13th December at 10am
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May Bake-Off

20th May 2020

🍰St Ronan’s Recarson Bake-Off’🧁

The pupils of St. Ronan’s Recarson have been engaging in a Special Family Task this week! One of the things that has people talking at the minute is the amount of baking going on!! There are members of many families baking now who never baked, and we believe there are a few new whizz kids in the kitchen amongst our pupils!

As it’s May and there’s wonderful work on Mary appearing from our children, we thought we could all have a bit of joy in her honour. Following on from the success of our Cake-off in November, we thought it would be fitting to have a St. Ronan’s Recarson May Bake off!

Here are some of the fantastic creations our pupils have made to date. Super work boys and girls, they look absolutely delicious!!!
We hope you all enjoyed this family task and thank you for your wonderful efforts! Keep sending your pictures to your teacher through Seesaw and we will get them uploaded to our website and Facebook page!