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St Ronan's Primary School, Recarson
Christmas play Friday 13th December at 10am
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Bird feeders and flower planting!

6th Mar 2020

Today the Eco-Committee gathered to evaluate progress this year so far and to plan our future goals. The pupils filled 6 bird feeders to go around the school, encouraging birds to visit our school grounds and helping the hungry birds in this cold weather. Also in regard to helping biodiversity, the P.3’s filled 3 window boxes with compost and bulbs for Dahlias and Lily’s. We also planted 5 strawberry plants for the school. These plants will hopefully grow in the coming months, bringing colour and attracting insects to the school. Great work by everyone. We have big plans for the coming weeks, including formulating our eco-code, increasing the blue bins in the school and creating schedules to water plants and empty bins on a daily basis.