Language & Literacy
Language & Literacy includes:
- Talking & Listening
- Reading
- Writing
In Recarson PS, we strive to develop children's literacy skills through a wide range of purposeful activities so that they may interact effectively with the world around them, express themselves creatively and communicate confidently.
Children's language and literacy experiences take place within a rich and stimulating environment. The school encourages interaction and promotes communication as a tool for learning.
Mrs McElhill is the school's Literacy Co-ordinator.
A copy of the school's ‘Language & Literacy Policy' is available from the school on request.
Reading and Phonics Parent Information
Developing talking and listening skills
Literacy-based Educational Apps
- Bigmouth (Phonics)
- Dragon Dictation
- Word Wizard
- Little Stars Word Wizard
- Rhyming Words
- Action Words
- Little Finder
- Little Finder ABC
- Bitsboard
- The Opposite
- Sentence Builder
- ABC Spy
- Pocket Phonic
- Junior Bingo
- Word Bingo
- Endless Alphabet
- Labyrinth
- Reading
- Phonics 1
- ABC Alphabet
- Word Family
- Phonics Genius
- Sight Words and Spelling/Hangman
- Smiley Sight Words
- Sight Words Pro
- Simplex Spelling Phonics 1/Sight Words
- My Spelling Test
- Spelling Test
- School A to Z
- Miss Spell's Class
- Story Creator Pro
- Read with Biff, Chip and Kipper
- Me Books
- iBooks
St Ronan's Primary School, Recarson, Arvalee Rd, Omagh, County Tyrone BT79 0NE Phone: 028 8224 5628